Earlier this morning The Scout Association launched the new scout brand and their updated strategy for Scouting for the next 5 years. Read about it here…
The New Scout Brand
Quite a lot has changed with the new Scout brand and the most obvious this is the brand new logo. It’s a much more modern logo than the previous one and will lend itself well to all types of media.
The New Website
As part of this brand launch, The Scout Association (TSA) have launched their new homepage. One key aim of the new brand is to make information for parents and volunteers as accessible as possible and to promote a professional image suitable for the next five years.
There is a lot of hustle going on behind the scenes to update all of the member resources to the new brand. It’s a huge job!
You can read more about the new Scout brand here.
Let’s not forget our rich heritage either. It was at times like these that our Founder, Robert Baden-Powell, reminded us that we are ‘a movement, not an organisation,’ not afraid to change with the times. There’s another of his quotes that always resonates with me, and which I think will never go out of fashion: ‘The most worthwhile thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others.’
Tim Kidd – UK Chief Commissioner
Our Updated Website
We have taken the time to update our website to fit in with the new brand and we hope you like it! If something doesn’t look quite right, or you are struggling to find something then please get in contact with us so that we can fix it.
We’ve also updated our Social Media too, just so it looks extra shiny.