Scouts Newsletter – October to December 2022

Unless it says differently below all Troop Nights start at the Scout Hut at 7.00pm and finish at the Scout Hut at 9.00pm. The Scout Hut will be open from 6.45pm. Scouts should arrive at the Scout Hut between 6.45pm and 6.55pm and go straight to the meeting room.


Scouts Newsletter – October to December 2022

Unless it says differently below all Troop Nights start at the Scout Hut at 7.00pm and finish at the Scout Hut at 9.00pm. The Scout Hut will be open from 6.45pm. Scouts should arrive at the Scout Hut between 6.45pm and 6.55pm and go straight to the meeting room.

You can download a copy of our Welcome to 1st Bedworth Scouts information pack here. The information gives you lots of important information that you need to know for Troop Night.

All Troop Nights are being held at the Scout Hut.

Scouts should wear correct uniform for all Troop Nights except the 13th and 14th of December when Christmas jumpers of similar can be worn.

The Troop Nights on Tuesday 13th & Wednesday 14th can be attended by all Scouts from both Haddon & Wilson Troops. They are both ‘fun’ nights, so Scouts are invited to attend both nights that week and have ‘double fun’.