Recycling – Together we can help reduce plastics going to Landfill, our waterways and oceans

As Scouts we are keen to do everything we can to protect our planet and one way we can do this is by recycling more. Over the next few months there will a number of initiatives involving our membership in sustainability and environmental projects.

Recycling – Together we can help reduce plastics going to Landfill, our waterways and oceans

As Scouts we are keen to do everything we can to protect our planet and one way we can do this is by recycling more. Over the next few months there will a number of initiatives involving our membership in sustainability and environmental projects.

Many of you will know Mel Bond who is an Assistant Leader with Haddon Troop. Mel is working on her Scouts of the World award and as part of this award she is undertaking a project with the theme of sustainability. It would be great if everyone could please read this message from Mel and give her full support on her project.

Mel’s message

Over the next few months or early next year, I plan to spend time talking to some of the young members as part of my project.

But I would like to get part of the project started now.

We already all do out bit with recycling through the kerbside collection, which is great, what I am concentrating on is some items that cannot be collected through this, but can still be recycled and turned into new items.

So I would like all of your help in collecting the items listed below and put them into the boxes and drawers in the foyer at the Scout Hut.  I will then package them and send them off to be recycled.

Together we can all reduce, reuse and recycle and you will be surprised on how much less you will be putting in your black bins.

 Items we will be recycling:

  • The packets of all brands of crisps, popcorn, pretzels, nuts, pork scratching (including the outer packaging for multi packs) – Please do not fold or knot these.
  • Complete Pringle tubs and tubs with lids and foils (Only Pringle brand)

All of the above will go in the red box in the foyer under the table.

In the drawers in the foyer we will accept the following:

Box on top of drawers

  • All flexible cake, cake bars, cereal bar, cracker, biscuits, rice cakes and mini cheddar packaging (not cardboard or plastic trays as this can go kerbside)

Other drawers

  • Confectionery wrappers
    • All flexible wrappers and pouches from sweets and chocolate (not plastic tubs, true foil or paper as this can all go kerbside)
  • All brands of baby food and yogurt pouches with the screw on lids
  • Toothpaste tubes and lids (not pumps), tooth brushes, electric toothbrush heads and the plastic packaging tooth brushes and replacement heads come in
  • All plastic writing instruments
    • Pens, markers, bingo dobbers, tipex pens and pots

Please also be aware you can recycle all stretch plastic such as carry bags, veg bags, shrink wrap that comes on veg and holds multi packs of cans, bottles and loo rolls together, frozen food bags (not the crinkly ones).  All of these can go into the carry bag collection points at supermarkets such as Tesco and ASDA.

If you would like more information a good group to join on Facebook is the Nuneaton Crisp Packet Recycling (and more!).

Or please ask via email and we will get back to you.