Some Important Information

Haddon Troop Nights
Troop Nights start at 7.00pm and finish at 9.00pm on Tuesday Night.

Some Important Information

Haddon Troop Nights

Troop Nights start at 7.00pm and finish at 9.00pm on Tuesday Night.

Everyone needs to ‘book in’ and pay subs at the ‘Leaders Table’ in the small hall as soon as they arrive at the Scout Hut, and make their tuck order if any is required to be handed out at the end of the night.

Scouts should arrive  at the Scout Hut between 6.45pm & 6.55pm on Troop Night.

Everyone needs to wear full uniform to Troop Night. Everyone also needs to bring a change of clothes to wear for activities. We strongly suggest that these are old clothes as they may get very dirty, wet or occasionally even damaged.  Everyone needs to make sure that their ‘changedown clothes’ will keep them warm and dry  as no matter what the weather or time of year we may be doing activities outside.

Mobile Phones

We have an absolute ban on any Scout having a mobile phone in their possession on any Scout activity. If we find a Scout has a mobile phone with them during an activity they will be required to hand the phone over to the leader in charge who will only return it to a parent or guardian, or an adult nominated by the parent or guardian. The Scout will also be placed on fatigues. We would prefer that all Scouts leave their mobiles at home but if they have to bring them to Scouts they will be expected to turn them off and hand them in to the leader in charge for safe keeping until the end of the activity. We apologise if this policy seems a little harsh but it is a result of ‘bitter experience’ and is entirely un-negotiable


We think that it is important that all of our members take pride in their appearance and one of the ways  that this is demonstrated is by wearing full and correct uniform to Troop Night and other appropriate activities. Full and correct uniform is:

Green Scout Uniform Shirt

Royal Blue Necka with appropriate woggle

Black, dark grey, or navy blue ‘School type’ trousers, not tight fitting or ‘leggings’ or jeans.

Black, dark grey or navy blue socks that at least cover the ankle

Black footwear , boots or shoes are preferable but plain black ‘trainers’ that look like shoes are acceptable. On some activities walking boots are also be appropriate.

All items should be clean, tidy and worn correctly.

We expect Scouts to take responsibility for their own appearance and they may be sanctioned if they are not in correct uniform. However we do understand that on occasions there may be situations where it is not possible to be in correct dress, In these circumstances we would really appreciate parents or guardians letting us know by note , text  or verbally to avoid their youngsters being unfairly sanctioned.

Contact on absence

Parents please help us by always letting us know if your youngster is unable to attend a Troop night or other activity they are expected to attend. Either call or text Woody on 07710113291 , Ann-marie on 07850096360  or email [email protected] .