Pathfinder Beavers – No Meeting
Monday Cubs – 7.00pm to 8.30pm – Party Night
Cubs should meet at the scout hut between 6.45pm and 6.55pm. On arrival, cubs should sign in at the leader table and order tuck if they wish to. Cubs do not need to wear uniform and can wear party clothes or fancy dress if they wish to.
Cubs from all packs are invited to join the party on Monday
Explorers – 7.00pm to 10.00pm– Christmas Meal
Explorers should meet Middlemarch Farm, Bermuda Park at 7.00pm and should be picked up at 10.00pm. Explorers do not need to wear uniform. Explorers will need to bring money on the night for their own drinks.
Woodward Beavers – No Meeting
Hopkins Cubs – No Meeting
Hopkins Cubs are invited to join the Cubs Christmas Party on Monday evening.
Haddon Scouts – No Meeting
Group Christmas Carol Service
All Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Adults and family members are invited to join the Group at the Annual Christmas Carol Service at Bedworth All Saints Church. This event will run from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.
Everyone is asked to arrive at the church between 6.15pm and 6.25pm so that everyone is seated by 6.30pm. All Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and uniformed adults should wear their uniform. If you would like to brighten up your uniform with tinsel woggles and such like that would be fine. Free refreshments will be provided afterwards.
Again this year we would like to help others through supporting a local Charity called Doorway. Doorway helps young people who are homeless. They support young people to learn skills to enable them to secure suitable housing, integrate in communities and look for and secure employment. We would appreciate it if everyone could bring along items clothing suitable for young adults for day to day wear or for going for interviews, toiletries, food (Non perishable) or a cash donation.
Wilson Scouts – No Meeting
Barlow Beavers – No Meeting
Walton Cubs – No Meeting
Walton Cubs are invited to join the Cubs Christmas Party on Monday evening.
No activities
No activities
No activities
From everyone at 1st Bedworth, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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