Activities for week commencing Monday 23rd April


Activities for week commencing Monday 23rd April


Pathfinder Beavers – 6.00pm to 7.00pm – Campcraft – Beavers to wear uniform.
Beavers should arrive at the Scout Hut between 5.45pm, and 5.55pm. On arrival all Beavers should go straight to the Leader’s Table in the Large Hall and pay their subs and order their tuck if they want any.

Explorers – 7.30pm to 9.30pm – Trading Post – Explorers to wear uniform.
Explorers should arrive at the Scout Hut between 7.15pm and 7.25pm and go straight to the Leader’s Table in the Large Hall to pay their subs. Explorers need to bring a change of old clothes suitable for working outdoors whatever the weather.


Woodward Beavers – 6.00pm to 7.00pm – Teddy Bear Hospital- Beavers to wear uniform Could all Beavers please bring along a Teddy Bear. The Teddy Bear may get dirty or even plastered !

Beavers should arrive at the Scout Hut between 5.45pm, and 5.55pm. On arrival all Beavers should  go straight to the Leader’s Table in the Large Hall to pay their subs and order tuck if they want any.

Hopkins Cubs – 7.00pm to 8.30pm – Animal Night – Cubs to wear uniform
Cubs should arrive at the Scout Hut between 6.45pm and 6.55pm. On arrival all Cubs should go straight to the Leader’s Table in the Small Hall to pay their subs and order tuck if the they want any. Cubs should bring a coat.

Haddon Scouts – 7.00pm to 9.00pm – Master at arms/Badge work/ Skills challenge – Scouts to wear uniform
Scouts should arrive at the Scout Hut between 6.45pm and 6.55pm. On arrival all Scouts should  go straight to the Leader’s Table in the Small Hall to pay their subs and order tuck if they want any. Scouts need to bring a change of old clothes suitable for working outdoors.


Wilson Scouts – 7.00pm to 9.00pm – Outdoor Skills – Scouts to wear uniform
Scouts should arrive at the Scout Hut between 6.30pm and 6.55pm. On arrival all Scouts should go straight to the Leader’s Table in the Large Hall to pay their Subs. Scouts who wish to but their tuck before the start of Troop Night need to arrive before 6.50pm.  Scouts need to bring a change of old clothes suitable for working outdoors.


Barlow Beavers – 6.00pm to 7.00pm – Explore Night – Beavers to wear uniform
Beavers should arrive at the Scout Hut between 5.45pm, and 5.55pm. On arrival all Beavers should go straight to the Leader’s Table in the Large Hall to pay their subs and buy their tuck if they want any.

Walton Cubs – 7.00pm to 8.30pm – Animal Night – Cubs to wear uniform
Cubs should arrive at the Scout Hut between 6.45pm and 6.55pm. On arrival all Cubs should go straight to the Leader’s Table in the Small Hall to pay their subs and order their Tuck if they want any. Cubs should bring a coat.


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Family Race Night – The Saunders – 7.00pm-  Please note the very last chance to buy tickets for this event is 7pm on Tuesday 24th April.

Members, parents, member’s family and friends are all invited to come and join the fun of a family night at the races. The venue is ‘The Saunders’ in Saunders Avenue in Bedworth. Doors will open at 7.00pm and the first race will start at 7.30pm. The Ticket price will include a meal. The cost of the tickets are Adults £4.50 Children £3. All tickets for this event will need to be purchased in advance so we can order the food in advance.


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