Activities for week commencing Monday 28th May


Activities for week commencing Monday 28th May


Monday Beavers – 6.00pm to 7.00pm – Games Night

Beavers should arrive at the scout hut between 5.45pm, and 5.55pm. On arrival all Beavers should pay their subs to a leader. Beavers should wear uniform

Explorers – 7.30pm to 9.30pm – Plan Explorer Camp

Explorers should arrive at the scout hut between 7.15pm and 7.25pm. On arrival Explorers should pay their subs to a leader. Explorers should wear full uniform and bring changedown clothes


Woodward Beavers – 6.00pm to 7.00pm – Games Night

Beavers should arrive at the scout hut between 5.45pm, and 5.55pm. On arrival all Beavers should pay their subs to a leader. Beavers should wear uniform

Hopkins Cubs – 7.00pm to 8.30pm – Team Games

Cubs should arrive at the scout hut between 6.45pm and 6.55pm. On arrival all Cubs should pay their subs to a leader. Cubs should wear full uniform and bring a coat.

Haddon Scouts – 7.00pm to 9.00pm – Knife axe saw

Scouts should arrive at the Scout Hut between 6.45pm and 6.55pm and go straight to the Leader’s Table in the Small Hall to sign in, pay subs and order tuck if they want any. Scouts should wear full uniform and bring a change of old clothes. As we will be using an axe all Scouts will need strong shoes or boots.


Wilson Scouts – 7.00pm to 9.00pm – Water Games & Water Fight

Scouts should arrive at the Scout Hut between 6.30pm and 6.55pm and go straight to the Leader’s Table in the Large Hall to sign in & pay subs. The Tuck Shop will be open from 6.45pm to 6.55pm for anyone who would like to buy their tuck before the start of Troop Night. Scouts should wear full uniform and bring a changedown that will get very wet, shorts & t shirt and trainers would be ideal. Scouts will also need a towel, and maybe spare socks and underwear. Scouts can bring along a water pistol, supersoaker or similar if they wish.


Barlow Beavers – 6.00pm to 7.00pm – Challenge Night

Beavers should arrive at the scout hut between 5.45pm, and 5.55pm. On arrival all Beavers should pay their subs to a leader. Beavers should wear uniform

Walton Cubs – 7.00pm to 8.30pm – Team games

Cubs should arrive at the scout hut between 6.45pm and 6.55pm. On arrival all Cubs should pay their subs to a leader. Cubs should wear full uniform and bring a coat.


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