Activities for Week Commencing Monday 2nd April


Activities for Week Commencing Monday 2nd April


Monday Beavers – 6.00pm to 7.00pm – Climbing wall and Crossbows

Beavers should arrive at the scout hut between 5.45pm, and 5.55pm. On arrival all Beavers should pay their subs to a leader. Beavers should wear uniform

Explorers – 7.30pm to 9.30pm – Development Night

Explorers should arrive at the Scout Hut between 7.15pm and 7.25pm. Explorers should wear full inform and bring changedown clothes suitable for outdoors.


Woodward Beavers – 6.00pm to 7.00pm – Climbing wall and Crossbows

Beavers should arrive at the scout hut between 5.45pm, and 5.55pm. On arrival all Beavers should pay their subs to a leader. Beavers should wear uniform

Hopkins Cubs – 7.00pm to 9.00pm – Easter & DVD Night

Cubs should arrive at the scout hut between 6.45pm and 6.55pm. On arrival all Cubs should pay their subs to a leader. Cubs should wear full uniform and can bring teddy’s, blankets and snacks if they want to

Haddon Scouts – 7.00pm to 9.00pm – Master at arms/Badge work/ Skills challenge

Scouts should arrive at the scout hut between 6.45pm and 6.55pm. Upon arrival, scouts should pay their subs and order tuck if they want any. Scouts should wear uniform.


Wilson Scouts – 7.00pm to 9.00pm – Navigation Challenge

Scouts will be taking part in a navigation challenge for your Navigator Badge. Do not wear uniform, come dressed in walking gear. This means:

  • strong shoes or boots with thick socks or two pairs of socks.
  • sensible trousers for walking. No jeans or shorts
  • shirt or t shirt with a warm jumper or sweatshirt
  • Waterproof coat
  • Hat
  • Torch
  • Drinks bottle

There will be an inspection next week but it is your walking gear that will be inspected.


Barlow Beavers – 6.00pm to 7.00pm – Climbing wall and Crossbows

Beavers should arrive at the scout hut between 5.45pm, and 5.55pm. On arrival all Beavers should pay their subs to a leader. Beavers should wear uniform.

Walton Cubs – 7.00pm to 9.00pm – Easter & DVD Night

Cubs should arrive at the scout hut between 6.45pm and 6.55pm. On arrival all Cubs should pay their subs to a leader. Cubs should wear full uniform and can bring teddy’s, blankets and snacks if they want to


No activities


Wilson & Haddon Scouts – World Challenge Award – Day 1

Scouts should meet at the entrance gate to the Nook on the Willows , opposite the Sycamores , CV12 0NX , between 9.45 and 9.55am. Pickup is from the same place at 4.00pm. Scouts need to come dressed to be outdoors all day whatever the weather, Strong footwear is essential. Scouts will need a packed lunch and a filled drinks bottle.


Wilson & Haddon Scouts – World Challenge Award – Day 2

Scouts should arrive at the Scout Hut between 9.45am & 9.55am. The activity ends at the Scout Hut at 4.00pm. Scouts should come dressed to be outdoors for part of the day whatever the weather. Scouts will need a packed lunch.


Beavers Cadbury’s World Trip

Beavers that have booked onto the Carbury’s World Trip should be dropped off at the scout hut at 11.00am on Saturday, and should be picked up at 4.30pm on Sunday.