Activities for week commencing Monday 3rd May

Beavers are not running a virtual meeting this week. Cubs, Scouts and Explorers are meeting at the Scout Hut this week. We're looking forward to welcoming you back as safely as possible. Please make sure you read the important information.

Activities for week commencing Monday 3rd May

Beavers are not running a virtual meeting this week. Cubs, Scouts and Explorers are meeting at the Scout Hut this week. We’re looking forward to welcoming you back as safely as possible. Please make sure you read the important information.

This week Beavers are not having a virtual meeting. Enjoy the bank holiday off!

As we’re not meeting this week, why not take a look at the walking activity pack for National Walking Month.

On Saturday 15th May, we are running an activity morning for our Beavers!

Then from Monday 24th May we are planning on having Beaver meetings at the Scout Hut, providing the government ‘roadmap’ remains the same. Here is a little more information:

  • The activities will be mainly practical and will be fun.
  • We will only be running Beavers on a Monday night and are reviewing it every month. The meetings will run from 6.00pm to 7.00pm.
  • The activities will be mainly outdoors but we will be using the toilets indoors and will use the two meeting rooms if the weather is bad.
  • We will not be wearing uniform for the first few weeks. Members need to come dressed in appropriate clothes to be outside, whatever the weather
  • All activities will be covid secure and socially distanced.
  • The Tuckshop will not be open for the first few weeks. Everyone needs to bring a full drinks bottle with them.
  • For a member under 18 to attend these activities a parent/carer must have completed the online permission form.

There is a lot of important information that we will share with you by email.

Please can you make sure you have read all of the information and completed all of the forms required in order for us to welcome you back safely.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Cubs Logo

Cubs are meeting at the Scout Hut this week and they are going to be working towards becoming Blue Peter Climate Heroes and will be able to get a Blue Peter Green Badge once we’ve finished. It’s going to be a messy evening and we’ll be making a huge poster painting with our hands and feet so please make sure you wear older clothes that can be easily washed.

Please bring with you a maximum of three items of clean recycling (can be less). Some good examples include:

  • Empty drinks bottles
  • Empty crisp packets
  • Empty chocolate bar wrappers

We’ve changed our meeting times back to 7:00pm – 8:30pm for Cubs.

We’ve used the list of your night preferences to split the Cubs onto either Tuesday or Thursday nights. We have included who is ‘booked in’ for each night in the email.

We will be outside for the evening, so please make sure you wrap up warm. Please bring a full drinks bottle with you.

All Cubs who are planning on returning to face to face Scouting on Tuesday or Thursday must have a completed consent form from their parent/guardian before attending.

There is a lot of important information that we have shared with you by email.

Please can you make sure you have read all of the information and completed the forms required in order for us to welcome you back safely.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Scouts Logo

This week at Scouts we will be doing 0.177 Air rifle and Pistol Shooting. For Scouts to be able to participate in this activity we must have written parental permission.

Our rifle and pistol range is indoors so all Scouts will need to wear a face covering unless medically exempt. We will insist that all Scouts wear a face covering unless we have been informed by a parent/carer by emailing [email protected], or by text to 07710113291 that they are medically exempt.

Can we please remind all parents/carers that it is very important that they email [email protected] or text 07710113291 before the start of the meeting if their youngster is unable to attend the meeting.

We’ve used the list of your night preferences to split the Scouts onto either Wednesday or Friday nights. We have included who is ‘booked in’ for each night in the email.

We will be outside for most of these activities so please make sure you come dressed appropriately for the weather. Don’t forget to bring with you a full drinks bottle!

All Scouts who are planning on returning to face to face Scouting on Wednesday or Friday must have a completed consent form from their parent/guardian before attending.

There is a lot of important information that we have shared with you by email.

Please can you make sure you have read all of the information and completed the forms required in order for us to welcome you back safely.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Explorers Logo

Explorers are meeting at the Scout Hut this week and are going to be doing Rifle Shooting and Quarterstaffs.

Please come dressed appropriately for the weather!

All Explorers who are planning on returning to face to face Scouting on Monday must have a completed consent form from their parent/guardian before attending.

There is a lot of important information that we have shared with you by email.

Please can you make sure you have read all of the information and completed all of the forms required in order for us to welcome you back safely (as this is a different return to face to face activities, consent will still be required even if you have given it previously).

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

All members should have received an email from [email protected] with the information on how to join the virtual meetings. If you have not received the information please check your junk folder. If there are any problems, concerns or you do not have an email from us, please get in touch at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to help.

Interested in helping out? Find out more information about volunteering here.