Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers are meeting this week. Please make sure you read the important information.
You can read our latest newsletters here.
The week the Beavers will be doing some target shooting with air rifles.
Permission forms
In order to take part in target shooting activities, all member’s parents/guardians must complete the permission form.
If you’re able to, please print off the permission form and bring a signed copy to Beavers on Monday.
If you don’t have a printer, we will have some printed copies at the Scout Hut.
Please make sure you bring a warm waterproof coat and a full water bottle with you.
If the fire exit door is closed please follow the path and enter the Scout Hut through the door into the foyer on the other side of the building.
Sweet cones are on sale in tuck shop for £1 and handmade woggles for £2 to help raise funds for an Explorer to go to the 25th International Scout Jamboree in Korea
Get your badges sewn on for 50p per badge to help raise funds for an Explorer to go to the 25th International Scout Jamboree in Korea
Can't make it?
Can we remind everyone please that it is really important to let us know if anybody is going to be absent from their meeting night.
Beaver Leader Contact Details
Pathfinder – Monday
Charlie: 07453 008308
[email protected]Woodward – Wednesday
Graham: 07877 754877
[email protected]Group Lead Volunteer
Andy: 07810 485962 or [email protected]
Contact us
Beaver Leader Contact Details
Pathfinder – Monday
Charlie: 07453 008308
[email protected]Woodward – Wednesday
Graham: 07877 754877
[email protected]Group Lead Volunteer
Andy: 07810 485962 or [email protected]
Beavers parent/carer rota
We’re asking all parents/carers to commit to volunteering at least 1 night every 6 months at a meeting with (or without!) their child.
This week Cubs are going to be learning about personal safety.
Your challenge this week is to find out the answer to this question: “name 2 types of different teams your are part of and your role in each team?” Write down your answers and bring them with you to Cubs.
Please make sure you bring a warm waterproof coat and a full water bottle with you.
If the fire exit door is closed please follow the path and enter the Scout Hut through the door into the foyer on the other side of the building.
Sweet cones are on sale in tuck shop for £1 and handmade woggles for £2 to help raise funds for an Explorer to go to the 25th International Scout Jamboree in Korea
Get your badges sewn on for 50p per badge to help raise funds for an Explorer to go to the 25th International Scout Jamboree in Korea
Can't make it?
Can we remind everyone please that it is really important to let us know if anybody is going to be absent from their meeting night.
Cub Leader Contact Details
Walton – Thursday
Danni: 07833 477495
[email protected]Group Lead Volunteer
Andy: 07810 485962 or [email protected]
Contact us
Cub Leader Contact Details
Walton – Thursday
Danni: 07833 477495
[email protected]Group Lead Volunteer
Andy: 07810 485962 or [email protected]
Will you be in Scouts by 28th May 2023?
Nuneaton District would like to invite all Cubs and their parents who will be in Scouts by May 28th 2023 to our France 2023 meeting on the 10th of April 2022, this will be at the “Coton Sports and Social Club” in Nuneaton.
The presentation will start at 11am and would normally take sixty minutes, where we will go through the trip again, give you updates and answer any questions you have.
If you are intending to come, please contact us and we will put you on our expected list.
Coton Sports and Social Club will be open for drinks so please feel free to visit the bar prior to the meeting, they are a great supporter of the Scouts in Nuneaton and have given us the room for free as well as opening two hours early.
Their address is 52 Henry Street, Nuneaton CV11 5SQ
We will be accepting non-returnable deposits of £150, on the day to hold your child’s place, we run a first come – first served basis on places.
Applications can be found on
Cubs parent/carer rota
We’re asking all parents/carers to commit to volunteering at least 1 night every 6 months at a meeting with (or without!) their child.
Scout patrol camp - last spaces available!
Scout patrol camp
We have the last spaces available on the Scout Patrol Camp. You can still take part on this camp, just get the payment in and complete the health form by Wednesday 16th March.
Please read through this update so you can ‘Be Prepared’. To earn 10 bonus Scout of the Month points this week answer the question “what do you need to do if you can’t make it to a meeting night?” Write the answer on a piece of paper together with your name and hand in the paper when you arrive at the Scout Hut on Troop night.
This week at Scouts we are going to be working on our emergency aid skills.
If the fire exit door is closed please follow the path and enter the Scout Hut through the door into the foyer on the other side of the building.
Sweet cones are on sale in tuck shop for £1 and handmade woggles for £2 to help raise funds for an Explorer to go to the 25th International Scout Jamboree in Korea
Get your badges sewn on for 50p per badge to help raise funds for an Explorer to go to the 25th International Scout Jamboree in Korea
An important message to parents & guardians
We encourage Scouts to show independence and be responsible for themselves wherever possible and appropriate. It is therefore really important that you encourage your youngster to read this update every week, so that they can ‘Be Prepared’ on their Troop Night. We greatly appreciate your support with this.
Can't make it?
Can we remind everyone please that it is really important to let us know if anybody is going to be absent from their meeting night.
Scout Leader Contact Details
Wilson Scouts
Stuart: 07973 777172 or [email protected]
Group Lead Volunteer
Andy: 07810 485962 or [email protected]
Contact us
Scout Leader Contact Details
Wilson Scouts
Stuart: 07973 777172 or [email protected]
Group Lead Volunteer
Andy: 07810 485962 or [email protected]
Other important information
It is important that everyone wears full and correct uniform. Please remember that the uniform rules are the same for both girls and boys. Black, dark grey or navy socks and black smart footwear are compulsory uniform wear for all Scouts. Please remember that uniform shirts must be worn tucked into trousers. Leggings or very tight trousers are not correct uniform.
Please make sure you wear a t-shirt under your uniform shirt. If you wish to change out of your uniform trousers after flag break then please make sure that you are wearing a pair of shorts under your uniform trousers and you bring some old trousers to change into.
If the footwear you are wearing with your uniform is unsuitable for activities then please bring along some more suitable footwear to change into after flag break.
Please make sure you bring a warm jumper, sweatshirt or similar with you to Scouts. You will also need a warm waterproof coat. We may be working outdoors and you will need to stay warm and comfortable. You might find a warm hat and a pair of gloves handy as well. Even if we are indoors it may be colder than normal as at times we need to have the outside doors open to improve ventilation because of Covid. Apart from Flagbreak and Flagdown, Scouts are welcome to wear their warm clothes over their uniform whether indoors or outdoors.
Don’t forget to bring along a bottle filled with water or a suitable non-fizzy drink.
You need to bring along a backpack to put your drinks bottle, warm clothes and similar in.
Please remember that mobile phones are not allowed at Scouts. It is best that you leave your mobile at home. If you feel you must bring your mobile with you it must be turned off and put in your bag or daysac, as soon as you come through the gate. It must remain in your bag until you have gone through the gate at the end of the night.
Scouts parent/carer rota
We’re asking all parents/carers to commit to volunteering at least 1 night every 6 months at a meeting with (or without!) their child.
Explorer NIKE
NIKE is a competition between different teams of Explorers. We’ll be doing a night hike with different challenges along the route.
This week Explorers are going to be having a TOTBN – bonus points if you know what it means!
If the fire exit door is closed please follow the path and enter the Scout Hut through the door into the foyer on the other side of the building.
Sweet cones are on sale in tuck shop for £1 and handmade woggles for £2 to help raise funds for an Explorer to go to the 25th International Scout Jamboree in Korea
Get your badges sewn on for 50p per badge to help raise funds for an Explorer to go to the 25th International Scout Jamboree in Korea
Can't make it?
Can we remind everyone please that it is really important to let us know if anybody is going to be absent from their meeting night.
Explorer Leader Contact Details
Explorer Leader
Meeky: 07585 709922 or [email protected]
Group Lead Volunteer
Andy: 07810 485962 or [email protected]
Contact us
Explorer Leader Contact Details
Explorer Leader
Meeky: 07585 709922 or [email protected]
Group Lead Volunteer
Andy: 07810 485962 or [email protected]
Explorers parent/carer rota
We’re asking all parents/carers to commit to volunteering at least 1 night every 6 months at a meeting with (or without!) their child.