On Sunday 22nd February Scouts, Explorers and Adults from 1st Bedworth were out in force to bag pack at the ASDA Store in Nuneaton. The colleagues at Nuneaton ASDA were welcoming and friendly and we would like to thank them very much for giving us this opportunity to raise funds in their store. We are truly grateful to the generous people of the Nuneaton area who donated a fantastic £1237.66 to our funds. Our founder Lord Baden-Powell expected Scouts to earn the money they need through their own honest efforts. This is a principal which still holds true today and is why you will see Scouts bag packing rather than holding street collections, though of course we will always assist other worthy causes with their street collections or similar. This is the first of a number of Bag Packs we will be doing this year. Look out for us in Bedworth Tesco on Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th April !