This weekend a number of our Scouts and Explorers , supported by an adult team have been Bag Packing to raise funds for activities. On Saturday we were at ASDA Nuneaton where we raised £1066.41. On Sunday we were at Morrisons on the Holyhead Road where we raised £1074.26, making the fantastic total of £2140.67 over the weekend. It was really nice to receive so many positive comments about our youngster’s politeness , hard work and smartness from members of the public. We continue to be so proud of our youngsters who are truly a credit to Scouting. We would sincerely like to thank the colleagues at both stores for making our bag packs possible and for being so supportive and welcoming. A big big thank you to to the shoppers at both stores who contributed so generously. A special thank you to the adult leaders who supported this weekend , to Jo for organising the events , and to Mel & Jess our counting machine operators.