
Lighting a Fire

I have chosen lighting a fire as because that is the thing I always look forward to doing! When we look for sticks it's about who can find the most and the biggest ones. There is always a sense of competition. By the time we finished  collecting sticks there is always a pile of sticks as big as a sky scraper.

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Abseiling & Cooking

I really love abseiling because of the trill and rush of adrenalin, plus it is really cool and fun. I used to hate it before I tried it but now I really love it. I also like hiking & going on long walks. I like adventurous activities, this is because I love sport/.

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Cooking Competition

Cooking is my favourite because I can always improve and I can share it once I am finished. Doing competitions helps to improve skill, speed and knowledge while being fun at the same time. You also van see how others cook and present their food, so you can steal ideas and use them yourself.

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Pot Holing

My favourite activity is pot holing. It's dark and nobody can see anything. It is also really wet and you have to work as a team to navigate your way through the tunnels to find the start again. I like this activity because people easily get lost, and if you have not torch you would have no change of finding anything, including the rest of your team.

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Abseiling & Cooking

Abseiling is my favourite activity at Scouts because it's really fun. When I was little I hated heights but after I went rock climbing with Scouts I got over my fear. I found that I wanted to do abseiling and crate stacking. I soon found that I likes to do a lot of adventurous activities which are exciting and daring. When abseiling you go down backwards. That's why abseiling is my favourite activity.

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Cooking on Fires

My favourite activity is cooking on fires because I like to try new things. Another reason why I like cooking is because I would like to be a cook. I think that cooking on fires tastes better than in an oven. Cooking is a good skill to have because it will help you in later life. On fires we have cooked sausages , potatoes, fish, pizza and much more to, We have used fires several times but now thanks to cooking on fires I will eat a lot more at home.

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My favourite activity is canoeing because you get a bit wet. I liked it when we canoed from Bedworth to Nuneaton.  We did a game where we all got out from our boats and we had to stand on our boats. If you fell of you would have to start all over again.  I went in two different  boats, one was called a canoe and the other was called a kayak. We went on a canoe safari and we stopped off and had a barbeque. One person from the girls group and one person from the boys fell into the horrid dirty water and it was fun.

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Christmas Food

My favourite Scout time was when we made Christmas food. We made snowmen out of marsh mellows , icing & smarties, which were delicious. We also made snowman sup which was made out hot chocolate, marsh mellows and flake. We put the stuff in a bag and sealed it , then we stuck a candy cane on the front.

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Winter Camp

I have chosen Winter Camp to write about. I enjoyed going to Bradgate Park and seeing the dear there. I thought the walk there was nice, getting to see the community. Later we went back to camp. We played a game where we  did tasks to earn fake money that we could but magazines and other items with. I played card games with my room mates in our free time. Breakfast and dinner were delicious. It was certainly a memorable camp.

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Patrol Fire Night

The activity that I have chosen to write about is a Patrol Night when we had to light a fire with just three matches so that we could cook sausages. We had to collect kindling to light the fire. Our Patrol went out to the green to collect the wood. The good thing about collecting wood was that we got to use our own equipment, and learn skills by ourselves , and get to use them outside the Scout Hut.

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