As you know I have just finished running programmes for every section in the group to inform our members on the importance of recycling and how even the supposedly ‘non-recyclable’ plastics can be recycled if you know where to go. Adapting games and quizzes to make the programmes engaging whilst raising awareness of this cause.
As a group you all have helped recycle 42.7 Kilograms of plastic that cannot go in the normal kerbside recycling.
This included:

11.55 Kilograms of crisp packets (approximately 5775 crisp packets or around half the weight of a Beaver Scout!)

3.75 Kilograms or approximately 450 pens

1.56 kilograms or approximately 80 toothpaste tubes or toothbrushes

0.65 kilograms of baby food/yogurt pouches approximately 95 pouches

4.9 kilograms or roughly 2500 chocolate, sweet, and confectionary wrappers

3.9 kilograms of wrappers for cakes, biscuits, cereal bars and crackers, approximately 1800

1.52 kilograms of popcorn, nuts and pork scratchings, roughly 750 packets.

4.86kg Pringles tubes approx. 110 tubs
That’s 42.7 kilograms of plastic you have prevented from ending up in landfill.
At the Scout Hut, in the boxes in the foyer, I will continue collecting the following:
- Crisps (including Pringle tubes),
- Confectionary wrappers e.g. sweets & chocolates (not quality street as they are compostable)
- Toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes
- Yogurt/baby food pouches with the screw on lids
- Any plastic writing instruments such as pens, highlighters, tipex pens/pots etc.
- Biscuit, crackers, cakes, rice cakes and cereal bar wrappers
For other plastics you can take them to the Nuneaton crisp packet (and more) recycling centre at the Bermuda industrial estate or any stretchy plastic can go into supermarket carrier bag collection points.
Thank you for the amount of help and support I have received with this project; I hope that together we can all continue to make the small decisions that matter in the grand scheme of looking after our planet.