Scouts from Wilson & Haddon Troops raised a total of £720 which they presented to representatives from Dogs For The Disabled at their Annual Presentation Night on Saturday 3rd October.
In June the Scouts who were working on their Community Challenge Award invited Teresa Fletcher to come along to their Troop Nights. Teresa told them about the excellent work that Dogs For The Disabled does for people with additional needs. Teresa brought along her daughter Bethany and Quartz her Assistance Dog. Teresa explained how Dogs For The Disabled train assistance dogs to support people in their homes and in the community and how the Assistance Dog services support children and adults with physical disabilities and families with a child affected by autism. Teresa also told the Scouts that Dogs For the Disabled rely on voluntary contributions from the general public.
The Scouts thoroughly enjoyed Teresa’s talks and were determined to raise some funds to help the cause. Each Patrol in the two Troops decided they would to raise £20 to support the cause. They immediately set about organising a number of activities including sponsored walks, jogs and abseils. The Patrols raised a total of £332 with these activities. This was far more than the £200 target they had set themselves.
Teresa later mentioned the ‘Big Dogs Breakfast’ a national initiative to raise funds. The idea behind the Big Dog’s Breakfast was to provide a breakfast for humans and their doggy companions, to provide a fun activity and of course to raise funds for Dogs For The Disabled.
Members of the Troop Leadership Forum loved the opportunity to raise even more money and a team of Patrol Leaders and Assistant Patrol Leaders between the ages of 11 and 14 years old immediately set about organising the event. Local businesses and the parents of the youngsters were very generous in donating prizes & cakes for the day and many of them made special ‘doggy treats’ for sale.
The Big Dog’s Breakfast which was held at the Scout Hut on Saturday 19th September was blessed with good weather and a good turnout of dogs who brought along their human companions. Quartz brought along Teresa & Bethany to join in the fun, and he was joined by Ursula who is a puppy under training and her socialiser Angela. The Scouts cooked bacon & sausage batches to sell and there was also cakes and hot & cold drinks for sale. Activities included a dog agility course, face painting, tombola, hook a frog and guess the number of dog treats in the jar. The day’s activities raised over £388.

Members of the organising team presenting the cheque for £720 to Teresa from Dogs For The Disabled at our Presentation Night,
The youngsters involved raised all of the money on their own initiative, and by their own effort. The adult leaders are extremely proud of them. They deservedly took great pride in presenting the cheque to Teresa, Bethany , Quartz, Angela & Ursula on Saturday night.
On October 15th Dog’s For The Disabled changed it’s name to Dog’s For The Good
Link to Dogs For the Good website.