Success In District Cub Quiz
Here is a report from Akela Max about 1st Bedworth’s success in the recent Cub District Quiz.
Read moreScout Film Making Weekend
From Friday 31st May to Sunday 2nd June 2013 twelve Scouts enjoyed a film making weekend. The weekend was organised by Luke , normally known by everyone as 'Atko' . The target for the weekend was for the Scouts to produce a short film which would have it's premiere on Sunday afternoon before the Scouts went home. This would be quite a task even for professionals but could it be achieved by a group of youngsters with no previous experience.
Read moreThe Swirl Of The Pipes
Andrew who is one of our Cub parents is a Piper. In full regalia he kindly visited both of our Cub Packs and the Cubs had a great night. Andrew played the pipes and talked about the pipes and his regalia. Ben who is a Cub in our Hopkins (Tuesday night) Cub Pack wrote us this report about Andrew's visit.
Read moreHaddon Scouts Climb To New Heights
This years Scout Challenge Day took place in Nuneaton Town Centre on Saturday 13th April. A climbing wall was set up outside Wilkinsons and teams of Scouts were challenged to see how many times they could climb up the wall and descend again in their 80 minute time slot.
Read moreScout Super Troop Challenge
From the evening of Friday 9th November until dinner time on Sunday 11th November the Scout Super Troop Challenge was held at the Scout Hut. This is an annual event between Haddon (Tuesday) Girls and Wilson (Wednesday) Boy's Troop. This is a fiercely fought for Trophy which until last year had always been won by Haddon Troop. Last year though a boys team won the Trophy for the first time.
Read moreDistrict Cub Scout Quiz
On Thursday 8th November we entered two teams into the District Cub Scout Quiz. Akela Maxine has kindly written us a report on this event.
Read moreScout Photographer Badge Day
At 9.00am on Saturday 3rd November Callum, Dylan, John, Melanie and Tom met at Scout Hut to start work on their Photographers Badge. The course was organised by Luke Atkinson and he was assisted by Matt Whitehall.The day started with Luke & Matt demonstrating different types of photographic equipment which they had both brought along. The Scouts were indeed lucky to be able to see such an array of gear which was worth several thousand pounds. Luke and Matt gave a very informative demonstration of their equipment and the Scouts were really interested in all that they heard and they asked a number of interesting questions which were ably answered by Matt & Luke.Next the Scouts looked at a number of photo’s on Luke’s computer and discussed them. They identified what genre each photograph fell into, for instance portrait, documentary, landscape or similar. They discussed the composition of each photo, leading lines , how they were lit and similar technical and artistic detail. By the end of this session the Scouts had a better understanding of what makes a great photo .It also transpired that they didn’t think much of David Bailey’s work but Luke promised not to tell him.Then it was time for the Scouts to head off into the wide world, well Bedworth Town Centre anyway , on their first photographic assignment. They had an hour to take photo’s of iconic Bedworth landmarks, and also to take some fun and action shots if they wished. The Scouts returned with some great work which was discussed and downloaded onto Luke’s laptop. Photos from Assignment 1Their next photographic assignment was to produce a number of photos using fast shutter speeds. They experimented with photographing food colouring being dropped into water, also coins and pebbles being dropped into coloured liquid. One of the highlights of the day was the session where the Scouts took pictures of each other smashing oranges, tomatoes and plums with hammers. It was very messy but very enjoyable and the photographic results were brilliant.Photos from Assignment 2The final photographic assignment of the day involved using slow shutter speeds to ’paint with light’ using torches and sparklers they let their imagination run wild and produced some great resultsPhotos from Assignment 3.After tidying up the Scouts displayed their photo’s in the main hall for to be seen by everyone present. The parents who had arrived were very impressed by their youngsters artistic prowess and I am sure that the Scouts were deservedly very proud of themselves.Luke then presented the Scouts with well earned prizes in recognition of their effort, excellent work and faultless behaviour. All that remains now is for the Scouts to be presented with their Photographer Badges on Troop Night.Thanks to Luke and Matt for putting on a great day which was very much enjoyed by all of the Scouts who took part. Well done Scouts for being so enthusiastic and so well behaved.
Read moreA Fun Cub Camp at the Scout Hut – A report by Joseph.
In September we held an overnight Cub Camp at the Scout Hut. On arrival on the Saturday morning the Cubs were put into teams and each team pitched their own sleeping tent on the lawn outside the Scout Hut. After flagbreak and changing out of their uniform the Cubs collected loads of fire wood from the 'green' outside the Scout Hut.After lunch the Cubs were shown how to prepare their wood using an hand axe and each team lit a fire. All of the Cubs cooked their own meal of Sausage, Beans and Potatoes on the fire.They even cooked the Leaders meals and the food was delicious and well cooked. After washing up and clearing away the Cubs enjoyed a good old fashioned camp fire , with a sing song, some silly stories, and a ghost story. After the Cubs had cooked marshmellows on the fire and drank loads of warming hot chocolate they turned in for the night in their tentsOn Sunday morning the Cubs worked on their D.I.Y, badge and they each made an insect feeder out of wood and bamboo canes. After lunch the weekend was rounded off with an exciting rifle shooting competition. During all of the activities the Cubs were very carefully supervised by experienced Leaders . It was a great weekend and all of the Cubs had a great weekend. Joseph tells us in his report on the weekend what he thought of the experience.I had a great time at the Camp. It was also my first Cub camp. My Favourite activity was shooting, however my team didn’t win. Also my other favourite activity was collecting and chopping the wood for the fire. This was the first camping trip I have had for ages. I really enjoyed the Pink Gorilla story around the campfire! The camp was exhilarating , it made me want to go on more campsClick the link below to see some photo'shttps://1stbedworth.co.uk/features-and-notices/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=16&Itemid=95&album=true&photosetId=72157631711531302#album
Read moreCub Fire Station Visit – A Report by William
In August our two Cub Packs were invited to visit Bedworth Fire Station as part of their Community Challenge Badge. The Cubs had an interesting & fun time and the Firefighters were great hosts. The following report was written by William who is a Cub on a Thursday Night.On Thursday 16th August the Cubs and I went to Bedworth Fire Station for our Community Badge. The Fire Fighters showed us the equipment and let us try the breathing apparatus. We went in the fire engine and the Fire Fighters showed us what was in the lockers on the machine. We squirted water out of the fire hoses and that was really good fun. We all ad a really good time and it was a very interesting night
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