
Yet more Bedworth Brains

 On Saturday March 5th a team from our Barlow & Woodward Beaver Colonies entered the District Beaver Quiz which was held at 1st Bulkington Scout Hut. All of the Beavers and Adults had a great time. The Beavers did brilliantly and were runners up loosing by only one point to 1st Nuneaton.

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Woody’s Final Austria Update

Our party has safely returned from their adventure in Austria, tired, weary but with memories that will last a lifetime. I am looking forward to speaking to our Scouts, Explorers and Leaders and hearing all about their great adventure. Over the last week I have been following the feedback from Austria with growing pride and admiration. Our party had a great time, threw themselves into the activities and gave one hundred percent effort and enthusiasm. Their conduct was a credit to 1st Bedworth and to Scouting in general, parents and carers you can be truly proud of your youngsters.
I cannot praise Ryan and his team highly enough, they did a magnificent job. As someone who has had the privilege to lead and co-lead a number of international trips I appreciate the amount of work that is involved in delivering a successful experience. I am proud to have leaders of such calibre and dedication as members of the 1st Bedworth team. I am confident that the future of the Group in in safe and secure hands as the new generation of young adults at 1st Bedworth  take the Group onto even greater events and experiences than ever before

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More Beduff Brains !!!

Following on from our success in the District Scout Quiz we are proud of our Explorer team who came second in the District Explorer Quiz on Wednesday. Well done Mel, Matt, Lewis & Tom you are an excellent team. Congratulations to the team from Coton Explorers who came first.

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Beduff Brains

We are really proud of Ben, Hollie, Nicole & Ryan  our 'Brains of Beduff' who last night lifted the Trophy at the Nuneaton District Scout Annual Quiz. There was stiff competition from several other Troops from Nuneaton, Bedworth & Bulkington but our quartet were triumphant on the night in a closely fought contest.  "This is the first time in my memory that we have won this trophy" commented Woody, our Group Scout Leader. Woody has been around a long time so it must be many years since we last won ! . The team was a joint effort between Haddon (Girls Troop) & Wilson (Lads Troop)  who for one night put aside their normal boy/girl rivalry to prove that they can be a formidable combination.

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Bag Packing Success

This weekend a number of our Scouts and Explorers , supported by an adult team have been Bag Packing to raise funds for activities. On Saturday we were at ASDA Nuneaton where we raised £1066.41. On Sunday we were at Morrisons on the Holyhead Road where we raised £1074.26, making the fantastic total of £2140.67 over the weekend. It was really nice to receive so many positive comments about our youngster's politeness , hard work and smartness from members of the public. We continue to be so proud of our youngsters who are truly a credit to Scouting. We would sincerely like to thank the colleagues at both stores for making our bag packs possible and for being so supportive and welcoming. A big big thank you to to the shoppers at both stores who contributed so generously. A special thank you to the adult leaders who supported this weekend , to Jo for organising the events , and to Mel & Jess our counting machine operators.

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Remembrance Day Parade

We are very proud of our members who attended Remembrance Parade this year.  Despite indifferent weather over 120 members of 1st Bedworth were smartly turned out on Parade. We were lucky that the rain stayed away during the parade. We would like to thank the Bedworth Branch of the Royal British Legion for allowing us the privilege of being allowed to parade, The Reverend Richard Hare for an excellent thought provoking and entertaining service and the ladies of the catering team for the brilliant buffet afterwards. The Photos below are courtesy of Jason Arrowsmith- Thank you Jason

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Scouts Raise £720 for Dogs For The Disabled

Scouts from Wilson & Haddon Troops raised a total of £720 which they presented to representatives from Dogs For The Disabled at their Annual Presentation Night on Saturday 3rd October.
In June the Scouts who were working on their Community Challenge Award invited Teresa Fletcher to come along to their Troop Nights. Teresa told them about the excellent work that Dogs For The Disabled does for people with additional needs. Teresa brought along her daughter Bethany and Quartz her Assistance Dog. Teresa explained how Dogs For The Disabled train assistance dogs to support people in their homes and in the community and how the Assistance Dog services support children and adults with physical disabilities and families with a child affected by autism. Teresa also told the Scouts that Dogs For the Disabled rely on voluntary contributions from the general public.
The Scouts thoroughly enjoyed Teresa’s talks and were determined to raise some funds to help the cause. Each Patrol in the two Troops decided they would to raise £20 to support the cause. They immediately set about organising a number of activities including sponsored walks, jogs and abseils. The Patrols raised a total of £332 with these activities. This was far more than the £200 target they had set themselves.

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Natasha ‘Gets In’ WISPA

[caption id="attachment_2649" align="alignleft" width="214"] The Front Page of Wispa[/caption]

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Paranormal Investigation Weekend

[caption id="attachment_2636" align="alignleft" width="377"] The Ghost Investigators. Scouts, Explorers and Adults from 1st Bedworth[/caption]

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Bag Packing – Sunday 5th July

We are really pleased with results of yesterday"s bag packing at Sainsburys in Nuneaton and Tesco at Bedworth. At Tesco we collected £690.30 and at Sainsburys we collected £519.72. We also received lots of positive comments about the politeness,smartness and behaviour of our bag packers. Well done everyone. We would like to thank the management and staff at both stores for allowing us to bag pack and for being so welcoming and friendly.A tremendous thank you also to the customers at both stores for being so generous with your donations.

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