
Adventure Afloat

On Friday 12th June a group of excited youngsters and leaders  from 1st boarded the minibus that would take them to Barby Moorings near Rugby where they would be boarding the 72ft Narrowboat ‘Centenary’ to crew her for a weekend of adventure. The group consisted of 5 Cubs, 3 Scouts and 4 Leaders. During the weekend the youngsters practiced all of the skills of operating a narrowboat, including helming (steering)  the boat, learning about boat maintenance & safety , operating the locks, learning the vital skills of living onboard a boat and teamwork. Their journey took them along the Oxford Canal before turning onto the Grand Union canal just before Braunston. They followed the Grand Union through the long Braunston Tunnel to Norton Junction. They successfully navigated Centenary up the Watford Locks which is a tricky staircase lock and through the Crick Tunnel which they reached on Saturday afternoon before turning the boat around to return the way they had came back to Barby. Everyone had a great incident free weekend and our rookie helmsmen & helmswomen did a great job of controlling the boat and avoiding running it aground. Several badges were earned during the weekend including Nights Away, Water Journeys and the Scout Power Coxswain.

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Point to Point – A great success

On Saturday 20th June 1st Bedworth had the privilege of organising the District Scout Point to Point. Andy Clarke volunteered to head the organising team and what a great job he did! Andy was well supported by a large number of adults from 1st Bedworth both before the event and on the day demonstrating the sort of teamwork that makes 1st Bedworth the successful Scout Group it is. On the day the 1st Bedworth team was joined by a number of Leaders from some of the other groups in Nuneaton District who made a big contribution to the success of the event on the day.

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Bag Packing at Morrisons Holyhead Road

On Sunday 10th May nearly thirty members of 1st Bedworth bag packed at Morrisons'  Holyhead  Road  store. Those bag packing included Scouts, Explorers and Adults. During the day we received lots of pleasing positive feedback from customers and staff. The store was very busy and we raised a fantastic sum of £1263.98.Well done everyone!

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Bag Packing at Morrisons – Hinckley

We are very pleased with the result of today's bag packing at Hinckley Morrisons . The team of youngsters and leaders earned a  brilliant £890.99. Well done everyone! We would to thank all of the staff for allowing us to bag pack and today's customers for being so generous.

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Saint George’s Day Parade 2015

Around 70 members of 1st Bedworth , including Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and adults, took part in Nuneaton District's annual Saint George's Day parade on Sunday 19th April. This year's parade was held in Wolvey and was organised by 1st Wolvey Scout Group. What a fantastic job 1st Wolvey did to ! The parade this year has got to be one of the best ever. We were treated to a great reenactment of the legend of Saint George by the youngster's from 1st Wolvey, followed after the presentations , by an excellent display from Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service. The parade was held outdoors and 1st Wolvey even arranged for the weather to stay dry.

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Bag Packing at Tesco Bedworth

On Saturday  11th April and Sunday 12th April over thirty  Scouts, Explorers and Adults from 1st Bedworth were out in force to bag pack at the Tesco store in Bedworth. On Saturday they worked in two four hour shifts and on Sunday they worked in two three hour shifts. Many of the youngsters worked a shift on both days. The management and staff  were welcoming and friendly and we would like to thank them very much for giving us this opportunity to raise funds  in their store. We are also truly grateful  to the generous people of the Bedworth  area who donated a fantastic £2088.03 to our funds. Everyone looked very smart and worked very hard and they were a real credit to Scouting & 1st Bedworth in particular. We received lots of positive feedback from members of the public which was great. Our next bag pack is at Morrison's at Hinckley which is on Saturday 2nd May.

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Scout Digital Maker Camp

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Cub Ghosthunt Success

Well done to Logan & Jack who won the Cub Ghosthunt last Saturday night and claimed the Alan Flavell Trophy for First Bedworth Walton Pack.  We are all very proud of you both. Cub Ghosthunt is a District event and Packs from Nuneaton, Bedworth & Bulkington took part on the event. The Cubs had to walk around a route completing challenges and earning points as they went. Challenges on Saturday included balloon rockets, dream catchers, archery, holographic writing, horse shoe hurling , giant jenga, Brazilian head dresses and a bucket ball challenge.  Logan & Jack completed all of these challenges with great skill to win the event but like all of the Cubs on the event they also had a great time.

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Scout’s Football Team Success

[caption id="attachment_2228" align="alignright" width="300"] Hannah, Micheal, Logan, Nathan, Spencer, Paul & Joseph with Sam Marshall (District Commissioner for Nuneaton) and Shaun Marshall (Assistant County Commissioner for Scouts)

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Bag Packing at ASDA Nuneaton

On Sunday 22nd February Scouts, Explorers and Adults from 1st Bedworth were out in force to bag pack at the ASDA Store in Nuneaton. The colleagues at Nuneaton ASDA were welcoming and friendly and we would like to thank them very much for giving us this opportunity to raise funds  in their store. We are truly grateful  to the generous people of the Nuneaton area who donated a fantastic £1237.66 to our funds. Our founder Lord Baden-Powell expected Scouts to earn the money they need through their own honest efforts. This is a principal which still holds true today and is why you will see Scouts bag packing  rather than holding street collections, though of course we will always assist other worthy causes with their street collections or similar. This is the first of a number of Bag Packs we will be doing this year. Look out for us in Bedworth Tesco on Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th April !

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