
Scout Expedition Challenge

On Saturday 1st November and Sunday 2nd November, Logan, Ben , Callum, Nicky and Daniel from Wilson Troop and Melanie, Hollie, Anastasia, Amy-May, Emma, Hannah & Kayleigh from Haddon Troop completed their Expedition Challenge.

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Cub’s Cyclist Badge

Sunday 27th July
Eight Cubs have just successfully completed their Cub Cyclist Badge. To complete this badge the Cubs had to demonstrate that they new how to carry out basic maintenance on their bikes and how to ride them safely.
The morning started off with the Cubs having their bikes checked to ensure that they were roadworthy and to make any necessary adjustments. Next everyone’s helmet was checked and correctly adjusted/ Cycle helmets are off course basic safety gear and all of the Cubs needed to wear a helmet.  This was followed by an interesting talk on biking history and safety by Rich , our very own ‘Wiggy’. Following Wiggy’s talk the Cubs were split into two groups. One group completed some work sheets on cycle safety while the other group learned how to repair punctures and make how to make  basic adjustments to their bikes. After about thirty minutes the two groups swopped over. Then it was time for a well deserved picnic lunch on the lawn outside the Scout Hut. After lunch with all of the ‘safety stuff’ done it was time for action. It was at this point that Sam arrived and volunteered to go home and fetch a bike and a helmet so she could assist Wiggy with the bike ride. Thanks Sam for being such a good sport
The Cubs then headed out for a bike ridge and a bit of ‘off roading’ The Cubs had a great time and did really well. They returned to the Scout Hut in time for the Tuckshop to be opened so that they could enjoy ice cream. Akela Max organized the day and was very well assisted by Richard, Sam & Paddy.
Well done cubs for working so hard and gaining your badge, and for having fun at the same time.

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Scout Canoe ‘Safari’

It was Saturday July 26th and  in glorious sunshine an excited group of eighteen Scouts  gathered on the canal bridge at the bottom of Coalpit Fields Road in Bedworth. Their mission? - to canoe and kayak the eight miles to Thompkinson Road Recreation Ground in Nuneaton. With the sun beating down upon them this was not going to be an easy task. Being true Scouts and 1st Bedworth Scouts at that, nothing could daunt them though.  They were determined to succeed on their mission and navigate the canal through to their destination. In charge of the mission were Kev & Steve,  two of Nuneaton’s finest canoeists, assisted by the ever willing Neil & Stu.
After being fitted out with the appropriate safety gear and plastered in sun cream our adventurers were waved off just after 10.00hrs by a small group of parents and slightly less adventurous leaders. What this group lacked in skill was more than made up for by their drive and determination. The forthcoming adventures held no fear for these lads and lasses as they powered their way along the canal.
At roughly the half way point on their mission this brave band of paddlers landed at a secret location to refuel. After hiding their boats in the jungle at the side of the canal they followed the pathway that led them to their refueling point. Waiting for them was a mouth watering feast prepared for them by Jo & Rich (with just a little bit of help from Woody). Over burgers, sausage and ice cold cans of refreshing pop our brave band exchanged tales of ‘daring do’.  Though tired  you could see the determination in the eyes of these rugged individuals. You just knew  that this mission would be completed come what may.
It wasn’t long before these hardy souls were once more heaving their craft back into the water to continue their mission. For security reasons were cannot reveal further details of the mission except to say that they were saved from an attack by a gang of savage swans thanks to a brilliant decoy mission carried out by Kev’s mum in law.
At around 15.30hrs our gallant band of heroes rounded the bend and hove into sight of the welcoming party in the recreation area, a full thirty minutes ahead of schedule. Mission completed our indefatigable band of paddlers  celebrated their success by enjoying some games such as ‘rafting up’ and swopping from one kayak to another. They were not quite so successful as they hoped at this and quite a few of them ended up in the drink but was a little swim in ‘the Cut’ to them after all they had endured.
At 14.00hrs their transport arrived and they were whisked away to their homes to enjoy a welcome shower and no doubt to regale their families with tales of adventure and close encounters.
Everyone had fun and our plucky Scouts all well & truly earned a ‘One Water Journey’ badge. We would like to thank Kev & Steve for their patience, perseverance and good humour without which this adventure would not have been possible.

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Success In District Cub Quiz

Here is a report from Akela Max  about 1st Bedworth’s success in the recent Cub District Quiz.

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Scout Film Making Weekend

From Friday 31st May to Sunday 2nd June 2013 twelve Scouts enjoyed a film making weekend. The weekend was organised by Luke , normally known by everyone as 'Atko' . The target for the weekend was for the Scouts to produce a short film which would have it's premiere on Sunday afternoon before the Scouts went home. This would be quite a task even for professionals but could it be achieved by a group of youngsters with no previous experience.

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The Swirl Of The Pipes

Andrew who is one of  our Cub parents is a Piper. In full regalia he kindly  visited both of our Cub Packs and the Cubs had a great night. Andrew played the pipes and talked about the pipes and his regalia. Ben who is a Cub in our Hopkins (Tuesday night) Cub Pack wrote us this report about Andrew's visit.

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Haddon Scouts Climb To New Heights

This years Scout Challenge Day took place in Nuneaton Town Centre on Saturday 13th April. A climbing wall was set up outside Wilkinsons and teams of Scouts were challenged  to see how many times they could climb up the wall and descend again in their 80 minute time slot.

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Scout Super Troop Challenge

From the evening of Friday 9th November until dinner time on Sunday 11th November the  Scout Super Troop Challenge was held at the Scout Hut. This is an annual event between Haddon (Tuesday) Girls  and Wilson (Wednesday) Boy's  Troop. This is a fiercely fought for Trophy which until last year had always been won by Haddon Troop. Last year though a boys  team won the Trophy for the first time.

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District Cub Scout Quiz

On Thursday 8th November we entered two teams into the District Cub Scout Quiz. Akela Maxine has kindly written us a report on this event.

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