Over the next few month as part of the Scout section program they are going to be working on the World Challenge award and Global Issues.
To cover some parts of these we are going to be looking at how we can recycle and save various items going to landfill, redirecting them to projects that benefit others.
We will set up boxes in the Foyer for the following so please drop any you have in.
Old spectacles and sunglasses
Please drop in your old eye glasses that are no longer needed and through lions Club international these will be sent to other countries saving sight projects. If you can also include any details of prescriptions for the glasses, that would be ideal.
Unwanted old bras
Does not matter if they are still wearable or not, these will be recycled in one of 2 ways and in doing so raise funds for Breast Cancer research. Once sent away bras that have come to the end of their wearable life will be broken down and various component recycled. If they are still in a wearable condition they are sent off to countries in which for women to have underwear is a luxury, but also gives them better respect in their communities, often helping then protect them from abuse and harm.
Pens, felt tips, marker pens, bingo dobbers, mechanical pencils, Tipex pens, pots and tapes
No wax crayons, rubbers, glue sticks or wooden pencils.
If you have any of the above items that have run out, at end of life please send them in so that they can be sent off to be recycled and raise funds for a midlands Hospice.