Unless it says differently below all Colony Nights start at the Scout Hut at 6.00pm and finish at the Scout Hut at 7.00pm. The Scout Hut will be open from 5.50pm and Beavers should arrive by 5.55pm. All Beavers need to wear full and correct uniform and bring a coat.
Posted on 24th March 2024 | Updated on 10th June 2024 at 9:55 am
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Beavers Newsletter – April to June 2024
Unless it says differently below all Colony Nights start at the Scout Hut at 6.00pm and finish at the Scout Hut at 7.00pm. The Scout Hut will be open from 5.50pm and Beavers should arrive by 5.55pm. All Beavers need to wear full and correct uniform and bring a coat.
Can we remind everyone please that it is really important to let us know if anybody is going to be absent from their meeting night. To tell us know either email [email protected] or text 07453 008308 before the start of the meeting.
Beaver Leader Contact Details
Posted on 17th March 2019 | Updated on 29th September 2024 at 2:14 pm
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This year St George’s Day will be a bit different.
We’ll be doing a short parade into Riversley Park, where we will meet up with the rest of Nuneaton District for something a little bit different to past years. We’ll then do a short parade back to our starting point.
This St George’s Day event is for all members to attend in full smart uniform. All Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and uniformed adults are expected to attend unless they have a very good reason not to attend. Anyone unable to attend is expected to contact Andy before the start of the Parade.
Parents are welcome to stay and watch the event, which will take place in the park near the band stand.
All members are to wear full, smart uniform (smart trousers e.g. school trousers, no jeans etc. and school type shoes, not trainers).
If the weather is dry we will not be wearing coats. Please wear a smart waterproof coat if it is raining or looks like it will rain on the day.
This will be a brilliant camp which will see Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and adults from most of the Scout Groups in Nuneaton District camping together for a weekend of fun and activities.
Activities may include zip wire, pedal karts, archery, shooting, abseiling, climbing, kayaking , rafting and much more. All of the meals will be cooked in a central ‘cookhouse’ by a catering team so that everyone taking part can have the maximum amount of time on activities. The £45 camp fee includes all activities, food and camp fees.
Parents will need to arrange transport to and from Willesley Scout Camp which is in Leicestershire. If this is going to be a challenge you can book a place on a minibus from the Scout Hut for £5. There are limited spaces so please get in touch with Andy to book a place.
We are also looking for a number of parents who would like to join us for the weekend to help us with catering, activities and supervising the youngsters as our leadership team will be at full stretch helping to provide the many activities during the weekend. The cost for parent volunteers is just £15 to cover food & camp fees costs only. Please speak to Andy for more information.
This camp is open to all members of the Group.
How do I book on?
Please fill out the permission form and make a BACS payment as normal.
Activity payments
Posted on 30th October 2021 | Updated on 5th June 2022 at 12:12 pm
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We are currently not able to accept any cash payments. Our preferred method of payments are via bank (BACS) transfer. If you cannot do a bank transfer we do have an alternative cash free method available if necessary.
Please put the reference as the activity name and your child’s name and then email Luke at [email protected] once the payment has been made.
Bank details
Posted on 30th October 2021 | Updated on 23rd February 2022 at 7:30 pm
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Nuneaton District’s Beavers are meeting to have a fun filled activity day!
Any Beaver at 1st Bedworth.
How do I book on?
Please fill out the permission form and make a BACS payment as normal.
Activity payments
Posted on 30th October 2021 | Updated on 5th June 2022 at 12:12 pm
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We are currently not able to accept any cash payments. Our preferred method of payments are via bank (BACS) transfer. If you cannot do a bank transfer we do have an alternative cash free method available if necessary.
Please put the reference as the activity name and your child’s name and then email Luke at [email protected] once the payment has been made.
Bank details
Posted on 30th October 2021 | Updated on 23rd February 2022 at 7:30 pm
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We’re going to get together and celebrate all of the fantastic awards and achievements that our members have worked so hard towards. During the evening there will be some award presentations, a buffet, some games and a disco.
Please can all members wear their uniform for the start of the event but they can change into party clothes after the presentations of awards.
All members of the Group are expected to attend this parade unless they have an exceptional reason not to do so.
Where and when?
We’re meeting at the Scout Hut at 10am. The hut will be open from 9:45am.
For those attending Church, pick up at 1:30pm from the Scout Hut.
The plan
We’ll be parading from the Bedworth Ex Servicemen’s Social Club to the Cenotaph. We will then be walking to Church for the service. After the service we will then be parading back to Bedworth Ex Servicemen’s Social Club.
Full & correct uniform must be worn and please make an extra special effort to ensure that uniforms are complete and especially smart.
Beavers need to wear full & correct uniform including black, navy blue or dark grey ‘school’ trousers and plain black footwear.
It is likely to be cold and as we will only be wearing coats if it is raining, it’s important therefore to wear extra layers of clothing under the uniform. Gloves can be worn if they are dark coloured.
Everyone is asked to wear a poppy.
Beavers & anybody unable to attend the church service
Pick up will be at 11:30am-ish from the the Scout Hut.
Please can we ask that parents/carers are collecting members from the Scout Hut as there is a lot of people movement straight after the cenotaph service.
We hope to see as many members as possible as we all come together for the final group event of the year!
The carol service is open to all members and their families.
Please can everybody wear smart uniform. Christmas hats and other festive adornments are welcome!
Subs payments
Posted on 11th February 2019 | Updated on 6th May 2024 at 12:16 pm
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We are currently not able to accept any cash payments. Our preferred method of payments are via bank (BACS) transfer. If you cannot do a bank transfer we do have an alternative cash free method available if necessary.
We are now accepting subs payments by BACS/standing order. If you would like to pay subs by BACS/standing order it must be paid in advance and we would suggest a payment of £13 per month. This will keep your payments on track, as with the weeks we are closed it will average out over the course of the year.
To set up to pay this way please put SUBS and your child’s name in the payment reference and email Luke at [email protected] to say that a payment has been made. We do still ask that your youngster checks in at the start of the evening, so that our fire checklist and attendance register is correct.
Activity payments
You can also pay for activities and camps in this way. Put the reference as the activity name and your child’s name and then email Luke once the payment has been made.
Bank details
Posted on 30th October 2021 | Updated on 23rd February 2022 at 7:30 pm
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