Posted on 31st October 2015 | Updated on 29th December 2017 at 1:38 am in Haddon Scouts·Wilson Scouts
During your first few weeks in the Troop you will get to know the members of your Patrol, and your Leaders. You will notice that the other members of the Troop wear a smart uniform and are awarded badges. This is because they are Scouts and have been Invested. You should aim to become a Scout as soon as possible. To become a Scout a you need to do 3 things:- 1) Get your uniform 2 ) Earn your Scout Membership Badge 3) Become 'invested'
1) Getting your uniform
Scouts wear the following uniform: A smart teal green shirt. A Royal blue 'necka' with a woggle. Black, dark grey or navy blue trousers. Black shoes or boots Dark grey , navy blue or black socks You will probably only need to buy your uniform shirt. The uniform shirt costs £17.50 and can be bought on Troop Night as we keep a stock of them at the Scout Hut. you probably already have black trousers and black shoes that you wear for school. You royal blue necka will be presented to you at your investiture along with your badges. You do not have to pay for your necka and badges
Earning your Scout Membership Badge
[caption id="attachment_2960" align="alignright" width="100"] The World Membership Badge worn worldwide by over 28 million Scouts.[/caption]
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